Process engineering focuses on the processing of petrochemical, oil, gas, minerals, food and other natural resources to obtain valuable products in a sustainable manner. The development of process design and engineering including PFD (Process Flow Diagram), P&ID (Process & Instrument Diagram), Material Balance, Process Datasheet, etc.
KET-A220-01 Standard | KET-A223-04 Data Preparation | KET A228-01 Preparation of Instrument Data |
KET-A220-02 API | KET-A223-05 Performance Guarantee | KET A228-02 Preparation of LC & LG Arrang. |
KET-A220-03 Process Engineering Procedure | KET-A223-06 Process Control Schemes | KET A228-03 Control Valve |
KET-A220-04 Value Engineering | KET-A224 PROCESS PIPING | KET-A229 VENDOR EVALUATION |
KET-A220-05 Manual | KET-A224-01 Restriction Orifice | KET-A229-01 Vendor Evaluation |
KET-A220-06 Axens & HTRI | KET-A224-02 Guide to Valve Selection | KET-A230 HEAT TRANSFER |
KET-A220-07 Job Instruction | KET-A224-03 Winterization and Condensate Recovery System | KET A230-01 Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers |
KET-A220-08 PEN Tool | KET-A225 REPARATION OF P & ID | KET A230-02 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers |
KET-A220-09 Texbox | KET A225-01 Preparation Process Flow Diagram | KET A230-03 Furnaces |
KET-A220-10 UOP | KET A225-02 Execution Procedure of P & ID | KET-A231 SAFEGUARDING SYSTEM |
KET-A221 BASIC DESIGN PROCEDURE | KET A225-03 Drawing Standar For P & ID Preparation | KET-A231-01 Pressure Relieving Design |
KET-A221-01 Scope of Basic Engineering | KET A225-04 Design Criteria For P & ID Preparation | KET-A231-02 Flare & Blowdown System |
KET-A221-02 Design Philosophy | KET A225-05 Preparation of Process Operation Diagram | KET-A231-03 Emergency Measures for Process Unit |
KET-A221-03 Basic Design Package | KET-A226 OPERATION MANUAL | KET-A231-04 Pressure Relief Devices |
KET-A221-04 Verification Procedure | KET-A226-01 Preparation of Operation Man. | KET-A231-05 HAZOP |
KET-0222 BASIC ENGINEERING DESIGN DATA | KET-A227 FIRE PROTECTION | KET-A231-06 Hazardous Area Classification |
KET-A222-01 Basic Engineering Design Data | KET-A227-01 Engineering Procedure for Fire Protection | KET-A231-07 Process Safeguarding Flow Scheme |
KET-A222-02 Process Evaluation | KET-A227-02 Calculation for Fire Protection | KET-A232 PLANT LAYOUT AND ENVIRONMENT |
KET-A222-03 Technical Design | KET-A227-03 Fire Protection Layout | KET A232-01 Noise Control |
KET-0223 BASIS OF PROCESS ENGINEERING | KET-A227-04 Project Specification for Fire Protection | KET A232-02 Plant Layout for Basic Design Engineering |
KET-A223-01 Design Condition | KET-A227-05 Data Sheet for Fire Protection | KET A232-03 Engineering Model Review |
KET-A223-02 Material Selection | KET-A227-06 Design Manual for Fire Prot. | KET-A233 UTILITY AND OFF SITE MANUAL |
KET-A227-07 Fire Fighting System | KET-A233-01 Utility and Offsite Manual |
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